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Navigation equipment control terminal

Navigation control of terminal equipment as the core part of modern navigation technology, in the ship security, improve the efficiency of navigation and realize the intelligent management plays a vital role.

I. Definition of central control terminal of Marine equipment

The central control terminal of Marine equipment is an important device for centralized control, management and monitoring of various Marine equipment and systems. It is usually integrated in the bridge or control center of the ship, through the integrated display screen, operation interface, control button and other equipment, to achieve the unified control and management of the ship navigation, communication, safety monitoring and other functions.

Second, the function of the navigation equipment control terminal

Navigation function: The central control terminal of navigation equipment is usually equipped with advanced navigation equipment, such as GPS, electronic chart, etc., to provide accurate navigation information for the ship and help the crew to plan the route and choose the best navigation path.

Communication function: The central control terminal has a powerful communication function, which can realize real-time communication between the ship and the land headquarters and other ships to ensure the smooth information during navigation.

Safety monitoring functions: through infrared cameras, sonar and other equipment, real-time monitoring of ship the sea around the weather and potential obstacles, improve the safety of navigation.

Automation control function: The use of advanced automation technology and intelligent algorithm, to achieve the ship's main engine, auxiliary machine, power station and other equipment automatic control and optimization management, improve navigation efficiency.

Information management function: by integrating database and information system, the implementation of the ship voyage data, equipment status, maintenance records, etc the unified management of information, provide strong support for ship operations.

Iii. Application of central control terminal of Marine equipment

Waterway regulation: in waterway regulation, navigation equipment control terminal can collect real-time channel state information monitoring facilities, such as beacons, buoy position and condition, to provide decision support for channel management department. At the same time, grass-root staff can view the relevant information of the channel anytime and anywhere through the intelligent terminal to realize real-time monitoring and management of the channel.

Ship scheduling: The central control terminal can display the location, speed, heading and other information of the ship in real time, providing strong support for ship scheduling. Through real-time communication with other ships and the land command, collaborative navigation and collision avoidance between ships can be realized to improve the safety and efficiency of navigation.

Ship safety monitoring: through the infrared cameras, sonar and other equipment, control terminal can real-time monitoring the ship the sea around the weather and potential obstacles, for the crew to provide timely warning information, help the crew to avoid hazardous situations such as collision and is on the rock.

Ship energy saving and emission reduction: Through the intelligent control system, the central control terminal can automatically adjust the operating parameters of the ship's main engine, auxiliary machine, power station and other equipment according to the ship's navigation state and external environmental conditions, to achieve the goal of energy saving and emission reduction.

Iv. Technical characteristics of central control terminals of Marine equipment

High integration: The central control terminal of Marine equipment usually integrates navigation, communication, safety monitoring, automatic control and other functions, which realizes the high integration of the equipment and reduces the complexity and maintenance cost of the equipment.

High intelligent degree: central terminal adopts advanced intelligent algorithms and automation technology, can meet all equipment and systems of the ship automatic control and optimization of management, improve the navigation safety and efficiency.

Rapidity: central terminal can real-time collection, processing and transmission of ship in all kinds of information, provide real-time and accurate support for the navigation of the ship.

High reliability: the central terminal using high reliability design of hardware and software, to ensure stable operation of equipment in the rough sea environment, provide powerful guarantee for the safe navigation of ships.

Fifth, the future development trend of Marine equipment central control terminal

Intelligent degree higher: with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, such as the Internet of things technology, the degree of intelligent navigation equipment control terminal will be further improved. In the future, the central control terminal will have stronger autonomous learning and decision-making ability, and can better adapt to the complex and changeable navigation environment.

Information level higher: the future of navigation equipment control terminal will pay more attention to the informationization level of ascension, by integrating more sensors, camera equipment, implement various information of the ship's comprehensive perception and monitoring. At the same time, the central control terminal will support more data transmission methods and protocols to achieve seamless docking with other ships and land headquarters.

The concept of green environmental protection is more prominent: with the continuous improvement of global environmental awareness, the future Marine equipment central control terminal will pay more attention to environmental protection and energy saving design. Through the use of advanced energy-saving technology and environmentally friendly materials, reduce the energy consumption and emissions of equipment, and achieve the goal of green navigation.

Remote monitoring and diagnosis ability stronger: future navigation equipment control terminal will have stronger ability of remote monitoring and diagnosis. Through the remote monitoring system, can realize remote monitoring and management of the ship, find and handle problems in a timely manner. At the same time, through the remote diagnosis system, the faults of the equipment can be quickly located and solved, and the reliability and maintenance efficiency of the equipment can be improved.

To sum up, the central control terminal of navigation equipment, as the core component of modern navigation technology, plays an important role in ensuring ship safety, improving navigation efficiency, and realizing intelligent management. The future with the continuous development of technology and innovation, the degree of intelligent navigation equipment control terminal, informationization level, environmental protection concept and ability of remote monitoring and diagnosis will be further promoted and perfected.

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