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Magic Mirror capacitive touch screen

The technical principle of Magic Mirror Glass is mainly based on vacuum magnetron coating sputtering technology, which is a kind of optical treatment technology for precision coating on glass surface. The following is a detailed analysis of the technical principle of Magic Mirror Glass:

Coating technology

Vacuum magnetron coating sputtering technology: this is the core technology of magic mirror glass production. This technology is used to bombard the target material (usually metal or metal oxide) with electron beam or ion beam under the control of magnetic field under high vacuum environment, so that the atoms or molecules on the surface of the target material will be sputtered out and deposited on the surface of the glass substrate, forming a layer of uniform and dense coating layer.

Characteristics of the coating layer: This coating layer has specific optical properties, such as high reflectivity and a certain transmittance, which makes the glass show a mirror effect when the display device is turned off, and clearly display the internal picture when the display device is turned on.

magic mirror touch screen

Optical Properties

High Reflection and Strong Transmission: Magic Mirror glass can achieve both high reflection and strong transmission effects after coating treatment. In the absence of backlight, the high reflective property of the coating layer makes the surface of the glass show a mirror effect, which can reflect the light from the surrounding environment, just like a normal mirror. In the case of a backlight, the coating layer allows part of the light to pass through, allowing the LCD system or image inside the glass to be clearly presented.

One-sided visual effect: Since the coating layer is applied on one side of the glass, the Magic Mirror Glass has a one-sided visual effect. That is, you can only see a clear image or picture from one side of the coating layer, while from the other side, you can only see a blurred reflection image.

Magic Mirror touch screen realises the function of mirror display and human-computer interaction by embedding the touch sensor and display inside the Magic Mirror Glass. Users can easily wake up and control the Magic Mirror system through touch, human body sensing or voice recognition to perform information query, entertainment playback, home control and other operations.

With its unique features and wide range of application scenarios, Magic Mirror capacitive touch screen has gradually become a popular choice in many fields such as smart home, shopping malls, gyms, hotels and so on. The following is a detailed introduction of its main application areas:

Smart Home:

Magic Mirror capacitive touch screen can be used as the control centre of smart home, users can control the lights, air conditioning, TV, curtains and other devices at home by touch or voice to achieve whole-house intelligent management.

It can also be connected to health devices such as weight scales, skin detectors, blood pressure monitors, blood glucose monitors, etc. to collect and monitor user health data for a long period of time and report any abnormalities in a timely manner.

Shopping malls and retail:

In shopping malls, the Magic Mirror capacitive touchscreen can be used as a fitting mirror or virtual make-up mirror. Customers can select different clothes or make-up through the touch screen for virtual fitting or make-up trial to enhance the shopping experience.

At the same time, it can also display product information, promotions, etc. and serve as an advertising and interactive platform for shopping malls.


In gyms, the Magic Mirror capacitive touchscreen can be used as a fitness mirror, allowing users to view fitness classes, play music and view workout data while working out in front of the mirror.

It can also be connected to smart fitness equipment to provide personalised fitness guidance and training plans.


In hotels, the Magic Mirror capacitive touchscreen can be used as an intelligent control terminal for guest rooms, allowing users to control the lighting, curtains, TV and other devices in the room via the touchscreen.

At the same time, it can also provide hotel service information, weather forecast, news information, etc., to enhance the guests' accommodation experience.


In summary, with its rich functions and wide range of application scenarios, Magic Mirror capacitive touch screen is gradually changing people's way of life and way of work, and becoming an important product in the intelligent era.

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