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LCD brightness technology support and its wide application in high brightness demand scenarios

One, LCD brightness technical support

The brightness of liquid crystal display (LCD) is one of the key factors of its display effect, which determines whether the screen can maintain a clear display effect in a strong light environment. The brightness technical support of LCD is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Backlight technology

The backlight is the basis of LCD brightness. Traditional LCD mainly uses cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) as the backlight, but in recent years, with the rapid development of LED technology, LED backlight has gradually become the mainstream. LED backlight has the advantages of high brightness, long life, energy saving and environmental protection, which can significantly improve the brightness and contrast of LCD, and reduce energy consumption at the same time.

The LED backlight is usually in a straight down or side - in layout. The straight down layout is to arrange the LED lamp beads directly on the back of the screen, and distribute the light evenly across the whole screen through the light guide plate, so as to achieve high brightness display. Side into the layout is the LED lamp beads placed at the edge of the screen, through the light guide plate and reflective plate to guide the light to the center of the screen, although this way of brightness is slightly lower than the straight down type, but the cost is lower, suitable for some occasions that do not require high brightness.

Liquid crystal molecular control technology

Liquid crystal molecule is the core element of LCD display. By controlling the arrangement state of liquid crystal molecule, the light transmittivity can be changed, so as to realize the display of image. Liquid crystal molecular control technology mainly includes electric field control technology and temperature control technology.

Electric field control technology is to control the light permeability by applying an electric field on both sides of the liquid crystal molecules to change the arrangement state of the liquid crystal molecules. This technique requires precise voltage control and timing control to ensure that the liquid crystal molecules are aligned at the right moment and position for high-quality display.

Temperature control technology is to adjust the temperature of liquid crystal molecules, change its physical properties, so as to adjust the light transmittance. Although the direct contribution of temperature control technology to brightness is not large, it can improve the stability of liquid crystal molecules and reduce the problems such as image distortion and color offset caused by temperature changes.

Optical film technology

Optical film is an important part of LCD, they can improve the distribution and permeability of light, thereby improving the brightness of LCD. Common optical films include reflective films, brightening films, prism films, etc.

The reflective film can reflect the light behind the screen back to the screen, improving the overall brightness of the screen. The brightening film can increase the brightness of the screen by changing the direction of light propagation and increasing the transmittance of light. The prism film focuses light on the screen, improving its brightness and contrast.

Two, the application field of high brightness

High-brightness LCD displays have a wide range of applications in many fields. Here are some typical application scenarios:

Outdoor billboard

Outdoor billboards need to work in direct sunlight for a long time, so the display is required to have extremely high brightness to ensure that the advertising content can still be clearly displayed under strong light. High brightness LCD display can meet this demand, provide clear, bright display effect for outdoor billboards.

Public transport information display system

Public transport information display systems, such as bus stations and subway stations, need to display the arrival time and line information of vehicles in real time. As these venues are often dimly lit or have high light variations, displays are required to have high brightness and contrast to ensure that passengers can see information clearly. The high brightness LCD display can provide bright and clear display effect, and provide convenient travel information for passengers.

Industrial automation control system

Industrial automation control system needs real-time display of various equipment running status, production data and other information. Since these systems typically need to operate in low or variable light environments, displays with high brightness and contrast are required. The high brightness LCD display can provide clear and accurate display effect, and provide reliable information support for industrial automation control system.

Military chain of command

The military command system needs to display all kinds of battlefield information and command orders in real time. Due to the complex and variable battlefield environment and poor light conditions, displays are required to have extremely high brightness and contrast. The high brightness LCD display can provide clear and stable display effect in the harsh battlefield environment, and provide strong support for the military command system.

Medical equipment

Medical devices such as medical monitors and operating room screens need to display high-quality medical images and surgical images. The high brightness LCD display can provide bright and clear display effect, so that doctors can more accurately judge the condition and perform surgical operations. At the same time, the high-brightness display can also reduce the visual fatigue and misjudgment rate of doctors, and improve the quality and efficiency of medical care.

In summary, high brightness LCD displays have a wide range of applications in outdoor advertising, public transportation, industrial automation, military command, and medical care. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of market demand, high brightness LCD display will be more widely used and developed.

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